Sunday, 1 January 2012

Fertility Clinic - The Waiting Game

Even though we had decided to take December off from all these tests and investigations, it was hard to not think about the results that were piling up at the clinic with our name on. I wanted to know!
January we were both deflated and I suggested that we stop all the monitoring, stop making love with intent, leave all the period applications alone and really give ourselves a break.

Funnily, not religious people, we found ourselves praying... Asking God to help us, to send us some angels to assist us or give us a sign. The very next day, I was reading up on something, I can't stop myself, when I came across a website called DuoFertility. The Natural IVF.
Joey was convinced it was a sign and instantly decided that we'd purchase one and get pregnant!
Oh the excitement! We were going to get pregnant, this machine, that monitors your temperature for you throughout each day, was going to take our stress away and get us pregnant!
We both felt so relieved. It was great!

I was itching to get started, and was slightly disappointed when Boots put the wrong address on the parcel and it got delayed - obviously the packer was not of TTC decent!
It arrived and I filled it all out whilst Joey was at work. I needed our recent test results for the fertility experts to analyse and provide us with the advice we need to get pregnant!! 
So I called the fertility clinic. No answer. I tried again, and I was put through to a lovely lady who advised that we needed a follow up appointment to discuss these, or apply in writing, which could take up to 6wks.

We made an appointment for 29th February 2012...