Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Fertility Clinic - Consultation and More

Within 3wks were sat in front of yet another registrar, who was telling us about how the clinic worked. He would see us initially and ascertain the best course of action, he would then send us for more up to date and in depth tests, call us back for a follow up appointment and discuss our options.
It finally felt like we were talking to someone that knew what they were talking about. Someone you don't feel like you could do their job better just from researching from books and Google!

He checked my weight and height and confirmed that my BMI was good.
He reviewed all of our tests and and the dates that they were performed. He wanted us both the have bloods taken that day, as luckily I was on cycle day 3 and I knew my hormones were at a level they like to assess.

Joey was asked to book in for a detailed semen analysis, where they check the sperm's viability through a membrane swim test that mimics the uterine environment. Sounded promising, especially as Joey's functions were finally getting some attention in this consultation.

I was asked to book in for an ultrasound scan around cycle day 10 that would check my ovaries for any abnormalities and also indicate the activity going on in each of them.

This was all in November, and other than Joey's semen analysis all tests were done. We decided to take a break over Christmas, and so booked his final test on for January 2012.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

2nd Referral

The GP was nice, and PREGNANT. FFS, everyone is pregnant!!!
She didn't look at Joey the entire time, which pee'd him off, and I could sense this by his sighing and twitching next to me.
I tried to look at him when she was talking to me, you know, to encourage her gaze, but no, she wasn't looking at him!
Finally, he asked a question about whether he should be due any checks, considering all tests except the semen analysis had been performed on me. She said "No. We've done all we can with you. The best thing for us to do now is to refer you <looked at me again to complete her sentence> to [another] hospital. It is important to have your Diabetes under control, as this can affect things."
I wasn't sure if she'd read the notes properly and thought that I was diabetic instead of Joey, but no, she just didn't want to acknowledge him. I knew my ears were about to get a bashing when we  left the surgery!